Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sauteed Brussel Sprouts

An excellent choice for a side dish, and so easy to prepare.  I first saw this recipe on Food Network, but decided to change a few ingredients to see if it would be as tasty as the full fat version.  It is!!

1-2 pounds fresh brussel sprouts cleaned and cut in half.
1 TBSP Olive oil
1 TBSP Butter (OK  you have to have a little fun)
3 strips Turkey Bacon cut into small pieces
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 tsp salt

Brown the turkey bacon bits, drain and set aside in a non-stick skillet Put olive oil and butter in skillet and saute the onion until light brown and almost clear.  Put sprouts in the skillet, add salt and pepper to taste.   Saute with the onion until golden brown.  The sprouts will be firm and semi-crisp.  Remove from skillet and garnish with bacon bits.


  1. Hey, thanks for finding me, so I found you!

    I started out Type 2, now I am only on insulin.

    It's good and its bad. I can eat anything with insulin, and um, I can eat anything! Um, "I can add cheddar cheese and bacon bits to my fries for only .99 cents? Yes please!" Insert more units of insulin.

    Looking forward to checking out your blog - you can never have too many friends!

    p.s. I would love to love brussel sprouts, but I am not there yet!

  2. These brussel sprouts look a lot like the ones my daughter makes. It's always nice to skinny down a dish and have it work out, isn't it?
    I look forward to seeing more from you.

  3. Hi Jackie! I love your site and thanks for visiting mine. I love reading other diabetic blogs and exchange notes on how others manage their disease.

    I was diagnosed just late last year, November 2008.

    Can I put you on my blogroll?

